Weekly Writing

Letter writing

Letter writing is a way to take some time to carefully craft your thoughts and write them into words. It’s a good way to connect with yourself and others.

In taking this course, I am looking forward to learning about all types of different letter writings and seeing examples from letters that were written during hard times in history. This will help better understand what people were going through back then by seeing the letters they wrote to their loved ones.

Though I am excited to learn about the history of letter writing, I am also concerned about not being able to grasp the historical and cultural context of the letters we will be discussing.

My Writing Process

In my writing process, I like how I will be able to explore ways of letter writing that are new to me. I enjoy writing letters, especially to my partner. I feel a strong sense of personal connection when I am writing to a loved one. It feels more meaningful than a text message or a phone call. I am looking forward to learning more about the history of letter writing and being able to use that to develop my own writing process.

Even though I enjoy writing, one thing I need to work on is vocabulary. I aim to expand my vocabulary to avoid getting repetitive and to have more clarity in my writing. 

As a writer, I hope to have a deeper understanding of letter writing and how truly meaningful it is. I want to be able to have a deeper connection with my own letter writing so that the letters I write are more expressive and impactful.